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The Evangelical Baptist Church in Fanar believes in the following truths:
The entirety of the Bible is inspired by God, comprised of sixty-six books written by faithful servants of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. It collectively forms the Holy Scripture, the Word of God, the foundation of a believer’s faith and practice, the sole authority and ultimate reference for the faith of the Church.
God, the Holy Spirit, is self-existent, with absolute personality, complete, eternal, unchanging in His attributes, and one in His nature. He alone is worthy of worship, adoration, and honor. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, revealed in three distinct and equal persons:
God the Father, Creator and Controller of the universe, holding absolute authority and sovereignty over it. He demonstrated His love by giving His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, for our salvation. His fatherly relationship is continuous, certain, and final. Through Him, we live, move, and have our being.
God the Son is the eternal Word through whom all things were created. He is the Redeemer and Savior incarnate through the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a sinless life, teaching, serving, suffering, dying on the cross as a substitute for sinners, was buried, rose on the third day as written in the Scriptures, ascended to heaven, seated at the right hand of God the Father as an intercessor for believers. He is the head and mediator of the Church, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, for those who reject His lordship, kingdom, and salvation.
God the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is a distinct personal being, existing eternally with the Father and the Son, actively involved in creation. He currently executes and complements the divine will through the Church in the world. The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment, glorifies Christ, enlightens the reader’s mind to understand the spiritual truths, sanctifies, guides, teaches, comforts, and grants gifts to the Church for service.
Humans are created in God’s image and likeness, initially free from sin, rational, possessing free will. God created humans to glorify Him, enjoy fellowship with Him, and fulfill His purposes on earth. Humans fell into sin through willful disobedience, affecting all humanity, making them inherently corrupt, under God’s wrath, and in need of Christ’s redemption as the only Savior. This salvation is built upon the foundation of grace freely offered through Christ’s death on the cross. It is an eternal and guaranteed salvation obtained through genuine repentance and faith, facilitated by the work of the Holy Spirit through the cleansing blood of Christ, apart from personal efforts or self-righteousness.
The Church believes that every believer, a born-again individual, is called to engage within a local church, fulfilling all spiritual duties and enjoying the full privileges of service, care, and nurture.
The Church is a voluntary congregation united under the leadership of Christ, chosen and sanctified by God. It is both local and part of the universal Church, constituting the living body, household, and bride of Christ, with Him as its absolute head and sovereign. It endeavors to serve Him and fulfill His eternal purposes and general will in the midst of the world.